CA/Browser Forum

S/MIME Ballots

Open Ballots (GitHub Pull Requests)

  • Created at Jul 15, 2024
    The S/MIME Baseline Requirements include a set of Legacy profiles designed to ease the transition into an audited framework, with the expectation that those Legacy profiles would be deprecated. This ballot sets a date by which issuance of certificates following the Legacy generation profiles must cease. It also includes the following minor updates: • Pins the domain validation procedures to v 2.0.5 of the TLS Baseline Requirements while the ballot activity for multi-perspective validation is concluded, and the SMCWG determines its corresponding course of action; • Updates the reference for SmtpUTF8Mailbox from RFC 8398 to RFC 9598; and • Small text corrections in the Reference section This ballot is proposed by Stephen Davidson (DigiCert) and endorsed by Clint Wilson (Apple) and Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo).

Closed Ballots (GitHub Pull Requests)

  • Created at May 24, 2024, merged on Jul 15, 2024
  • Created at Mar 26, 2024, merged on May 11, 2024

    The ballot proposes changes to the S/MIME Baseline Requirements to provide clarifications and corrections arising from the implementation and initial audits using the S/MIME BR.

    The following motion has been proposed by Stephen Davidson of DigiCert and endorsed by Martijn Katerbarg of Sectigo and Roman Fischer of SwissSign.

  • Created at Dec 18, 2023, merged on Feb 20, 2024
    The ballot proposes changes to the S/MIME Baseline Requirements to introduce the use of Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Processing for Email Addresses as defined in RFC 9495. It also includes minor typographic corrections.
  • Created at Oct 25, 2023, merged on Dec 8, 2023

    The ballot proposes changes to the S/MIME Baseline Requirements, and in others to make corrections. The affected sections include:

    • Clarify the Revisions table in section 1.2.1 to more clearly differentiate the effective date (publication of the version) from additional compliance dates; and
    • Add ETSI TS 119 411-6 as an audit criteria in Sections 1.6.3, 8.4, and 8.6.

Passed Ballots

Latest releases
Code Signing Requirements
v3.7 - Mar 4, 2024

S/MIME Requirements
v1.0.5 - Ballot SMC07 - Jul 15, 2024

Ballot SMC07: Align Logging Requirement and Key Escrow clarification

Network and Certificate System Security Requirements
v2.0 - Ballot NS-003 - Jun 26, 2024

Ballot NS-003: Restructure the NCSSRs in

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).