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Server Certificate Working Group


Chair: Iñigo Barreira (Sectigo)

Vice Chair: Kiran Tummala (Microsoft)


Server Certificate Working Group Charter

How to Join

Instructions are here.


Server Certificate Working Group Ballots

Server Certificate WG Mailing List

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Validation Subcommittee


Root Certificate Issuer

  • AC Camerfirma SA
  • Actalis S.p.A.
  • Asseco Data Systems SA (Certum)
  • Beijing Certificate Authority
  • Buypass AS
  • Certigna (DHIMYOTIS)
  • Certinomis
  • CFCA
  • certSIGN
  • Chunghwa Telecom
  • Comsign
  • DigitalTrust
  • Pos Digicert Sdn. Bhd.
  • Digidentity
  • DocuSign
  • eMudhra
  • Entrust
  • E-tugra
  • GDCA
  • TrustAsia
  • GlobalSign
  • GoDaddy
  • iTrusChina
  • Izenpe
  • Japan Registry Services
  • Kamu SM
  • KPN
  • Let's Encrypt
  • NCDC
  • Network Solutions
  • OISTE Foundation
  • OATI
  • První certifikační autorita
  • Sectigo
  • SK ID Solutions AS
  • SSC
  • SwissSign
  • Telia Company
  • TrustCor Systems
  • TWCA
  • IdenTrust
  • Disig
  • Fastly
  • AC Firmaprofessional SA
  • DigiCert
  • Visa
  • Amazon
  • VikingCloud
  • NAVER Cloud Trust Services
  • SECOM Trust Systems
  • CommScope

Certificate Consumer

  • Apple
  • Brave
  • Cisco Systems
  • Comodo Security Solutions
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Mozilla
  • Opera Software AS
  • 360 Browser
  • QikFox Cybersecurity Systems Inc.

Associate Member

  • Keyfactor
  • ACAB Council
  • CPA Canada/WebTrust
  • US Federal PKI Management Authority
  • tScheme

Interested Party

  • TL Certification Centre Co., Ltd(泰尔认证中心有限公司)
  • George Palmer (Private Person)
  • Dong Yul Lee (Private Person)
  • ETSI
  • MSC Trustgate Sdn Bhd
  • Andrea Fossati
  • Andrew Ayer
  • Arno Fiedler
  • Certizen Limited
  • Cloudflare
  • Deloitte LLP
  • EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
  • Envers
  • India PKI Forum
  • Insta Advance OY
  • K Software LLC
  • Leader Telecom BV
  • Peercraft
  • TurkTrust
  • Yahoo Inc
  • Maria Merkel (Private Person)
  • Encryption Consulting
  • Xiaokang Wang (Private Person)
  • Unsung Limited
  • Mike Shaver (Private Person)
  • QuantuSS Network
  • Schellman and Company LLC
  • Common Crypto Authority

Probationary Member

  • MOIS (Ministry of Interior and Safety) of the republic of Korea
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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).