CA/Browser Forum

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    2013-09-19 Minutes
    September 19, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 19 September 2013 Version 1 1. Present: Dean Coclin, Mert Ozarar, Atilla Biler, Ben Wilson, Sigbjorn Vik, Eddy Nigg, Atsushi Inaba, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Rick Andrews, Geoff Keating, Robin Alden, Cornelia Enke, Jeremy Rowley, Gerv Markham 2. Agenda: Approved 3. Minutes: Minutes from 5 Sept. 2013 approved. 4.Discussion of Face-to-Face Meeting Agenda: We should probably discuss a little about the NYT/Guardian article on NSA/GCHQ. What is the global perspective on this?
    2013-08-22 Minutes
    August 22, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 22 August 2013 Version 1 1. Present: Dean Coclin, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Kirk Hall, Eddy Nigg, Atilla Biler, Mert Ozarar, Rick Andrews, Geoff Keating, Gerv Markham, Stephen Davidson, Wayne Thayer 2. Agenda review: Approved as published. **3. Minutes: ** The minutes of August 8, 2013, were approved as published. 4. Ballots: No ballot voting processes are pending. However, the following ballots are being revised and will be re-presented for voting: Ballot 89 (EV Processing Recommendations), 103 (clarification on OCSP Stapling), 107 (removal of specific version numbers and URLs), and 108 (definition of SSL certificate scope).
    2013-08-08 Minutes
    August 8, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 8 August 2013 Version 1 1. Present: Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Jeremy Rowley, Wayne Thayer, Kirk Hall, Eddy Nigg, Richard Wang, Steve Roylance, Dean Coclin, Robin Alden, Connie Enke, Rick Andrews, Ryan Sleevi 2. Agenda review: Approved as published. Steve asked that the latest version of the EV Guidelines be posted to the website. Ben and Wayne will coordinate after the call to get the current version up.
    2013-07-25 Minutes
    July 25, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 25 July 2013 Version 1 Present: Rick Andrews, Kirk Hall, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Eddy Nigg, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Dean Coclin, Jeremy Rowley, Ryan Sleevi, Robin Alden, Steve Roylance, Mert Ozarar, Atilla Biler Agenda review: Approved as published. Minutes: Minutes of July 11, 2013 were circulated on July 18, 2013 Ballots: Ballot 103- Ben will fix and recirculate; Ballot 104 – EVG v. 1.4.3 will be circulated; Ballot 105 – so far we have received 13 votes, 11 yes and two abstained.
    2013-07-11 Minutes
    July 11, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 11 July 2013 Present: Kirk Hall, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Dean Coclin, Rick Andrews, Rich Smith, Eddy Nigg, Geoff Keating, Mads Henriksveen, Wayne Thayer, Jeremy Rowley, Steve Roylance, Gerv Markham, Mert Ozarar, Robin Alden, Phill Hallam Baker, Cornelia Enke Agenda review: The agenda was reviewed. Steve Roylance said he wanted time to discuss technical constraints. Jeremy Rowley said he wanted time to discuss what defines an SSL certificate covered by the Baseline Requirements and convening the working group on EV.
    2013-06-27 Minutes
    June 27, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting – CAB Forum – 27 June 2013 – Version 2 Present: Rich Smith, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Mads Henriksveen, Dean Coclin, Geoff Keating, Jeremy Rowley, Stephen Davidson, Kirk Hall, Robin Alden, Eddy Nigg, Steve Roylance, Kelvin Yiu, Agenda review: Approved as published. Minutes: Approve Minutes of 30 May 2013: Approved for publication. On the minutes from the Munich face-to-face, it was decided that those would be converted from Word to wiki format because it will be easier to edit typos, grammar, etc.
    Minutes of the F2F 29 Meeting in Munich, Germany, 11-13 June 2013
    June 11, 2013 by Ben WilsonThese are the consolidated minutes of the Munich Face-to-Face meeting held June 11-12, 2013. Differences in writing/formatting styles are attributable to the fact that the minutes were transcribed by different persons. Opening: Dean Coclin welcomed everyone to Symantec’s offices and reviewed the logistics. Ben Wilson read the antitrust statement. Updates from Browsers and Other News Representatives from Opera, Mozilla, and Microsoft were present. Dean: Oracle is interested in joining the CABF as a root store (Java root store).
    2013-05-30 Minutes
    May 30, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 30 May 2013 Present: Jeremy Rowley, Dean Coclin, Stephen Davidson, Ben Wilson, Kirk Hall, Geoff Keating, Ryan Koski, Mert Ozarar, Tom Albertson, Joe Kaluzny, Robin Alden, Ryan Sleevi, Connie Enke, Atsushi Inaba, Gerv Markham, Eddy Nigg, Wayne Thayer, Brad Hill, Phill Hallam Baker ICANN Presenters: Francisco Arias, Tomofumi Okubo, Jeff Moss, and Steve Sheng Agenda review: Approved as published. ICANN gTLD Discussion: Ben said that everyone should have received the PDF version of the presentation and turned the time over to Francisco who reviewed ICANN’s request for information to the CAB Forum.
    2013-05-16 Minutes
    May 16, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting – CAB Forum – 16 May 2013 – Version 1 Roll Call: Ben Wilson, Rich Smith, Wayne Thayer, Mads Henriksveen, Rick Andrews, Dean Coclin, Geoff Keating, Eddy Nigg, Simon Labrum, Atsushi Inaba, Arno Fiedler, Jeremy Rowley, Ryan Koski, Tom Albertson, Atilla Biler, Robin Alden, Philip Hallam Baker, Ryan Sleevi Agenda Review: Agenda was reviewed. Approval of the Minutes of 2 May 2013: It was noted that Geoff and Mert were in attendance; Arno said he would like to submit additional information about ETSI policy, qualified certificates, and EU data protection for the minutes.
    2013-05-02 Minutes
    May 2, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 2 May 2013 Version 2 Present: Steve Roylance, Ryan Koski, Erwann Abalea, Mads Henriksveen, Atilla Biler, Mert Ozarar, Ben Wilson, Eddie Nigg, Dean Coclin, Arno Fiedler, Jeremy Rowley, Wayne Thayer, Joe Kaluzny, Robin Alden, Gerv Markham, Rich Smith, Stephen Davidson, Phillip Hallam Baker, Rick Andrews and Geoff Keating Guests: Andy Regenscheid, Deb Cooley, Mike Jenkins, Mike Boyle, and Jeff Burke Agenda review: Version 1 of the agenda was reviewed.
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).