CA/Browser Forum

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    2014-07-24 Minutes
    July 24, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of Teleconference CA/Browser Forum 24 July 2014 1. Antitrust Statement: Read by Ben 2. Roll Call: Tim Shirley, Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Eddy Nigg, Dean Coclin, Stephen Davidson, Kirk Hall, Dave Barnet, Chris Casciano, Robin Alden, Gerv Markham, Geoff Keating, Ryan Sleevi, Kelvin Yiu 3. Agenda: Reviewed, and item 7 below was discussed directly after approval of last meeting’s minutes. 4. Minutes: 10 July 2014 approved. 5. Ballot review: Voting on Ballot 126 – Operational Existence closes today for ballot 126.
    2014-07-10 Minutes
    July 10, 2014 by Ben WilsonMinutes of Teleconference held Thursday, 10 July 2014 Antitrust Statement: Read by Ben. Roll Call: Tim Hollebeek, Doug Beattie, Patrick Tronnier , Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Tim Shirley, Chris Casciano, Mads Henriksveen, Kirk Hall, Cecilia Kam, Dean Coclin, Jeremy Rowley, Wayne Thayer, Kelvin Yiu, Moudrick Dadashov, Conny Enke, Dave Barnet, Robin Alden, Ryan Sleevi Agenda Review: Reviewed. Approve Minutes:Minutes of 26 June 2014 and the summary of the face-to-face meeting were approved.
    2014-06-26 Minutes
    June 26, 2014 by Ben WilsonAntitrust Statement: Read by Ben. Roll Call: Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Stephen Davidson, Doug Beattie, Kirk Hall, Eddy Nigg, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Chris Casciano, Wayne Thayer, Gerv Markham, Rick Andrews, Dave Barnet, John Amaral, and Ryan Sleevi Application of OATI: We have reviewed OATI’s application. The OATI root certificate is trusted only in Internet Explorer. Kirk noted that they do not have a Baseline Requirements WebTrust audit. Gerv said that membership requirements are defined by our bylaws, which do not specifically require a WebTrust Baseline Requirements audit.
    Minutes of the F2F 32 Meeting in Eilat, Israel, 16-18 June 2014
    June 17, 2014 by Ben WilsonFace-to-Face Meeting 32 – EilatAntitrust Statement The antitrust statement was read. Roll Call **Present: ** Ben Wilson, Dean Coclin, Jeremy Rowley, Robin Alden, Eddy Nigg, Kelvin Yiu, Iñigo Barreira, Rick Andrews, Atsushi Inaba, Doug Beattie, Don Sheehy, Kirk Hall, Gerv Markham, Moudrick Dadashov, and Wayne Thayer Day 1 -Monday, 16 June 2014 SSL Performance WG (prepared by Kelvin Yiu) Wayne talked about goals, outcome, and how to get there. Thanks to data provided by Yngve
    2014-05-29 Minutes
    May 29, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of Teleconference – CABF – 29 May 2014 1. Antitrust Statement: Read by Ben. 2. Agenda was reviewed. 3. Roll Call: Ryan Sleevi, Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Moudrick Dadashov, Rick Andrews, Atilla Biler, Kirk Hall, Mert Ozarar, Dean Coclin, Jeremy Rowley, Marcelo Silva, Cecilia Kam, Doug Beattie, Joe Kaluzny, Robin Alden, Kelvin Yiu, Geoff Keating, Rich Smith, Stephen Davidson, 4. Minutes of teleconference of 15-May-2014 were approved. 5. Ballot review: Voting on Ballot 120 (Affiliate Approval of Domain) and Ballot 124 (Business Entity Clarification) ends Thursday, June 5, 2014, at 2200 UTC.
    2014-05-01 Minutes
    May 1, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting, CAB Forum, 1 May 2014, Version 2 1. Antitrust Statement 2. Agenda reviewed. 3. Present: Atsushi Inaba, Jeremy Rowley, Ben Wilson, Kirk Hall, Moudrick Dadashov, Dean Coclin, Eddy Nigg, Doug Beattie, Atilla Biler, Rick Andrews, Marcelo Silva, Wayne Thayer, Mert Ozarar, Gerv Markham, Iñigo Barreira, Cecilia Kam, Tom Albertson, Stephen Davidson 4. Minutes of 17-April-2014. The minutes were approved. 5. Ballot review: Voting on Ballot 121 EVG Insurance and Ballot 122 Verified Method of Communication close next week.
    2014-04-17 Minutes
    April 17, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting, CAB Forum, 17 April 2014, Version 1 1. Antitrust Statement – read by Ben. 2. Agenda reviewed. 3. Roll Call: Atsushi Inaba, Eddy Nigg, Dean Coclin, Jeremy Rowley, Ben Wilson, Marcelo Silva, Kirk Hall, Wayne Thayer, Imren Altepe, Atilla Biler, Mert Özarar, Kelvin Yiu, Robin Alden, Gerv Markham, Rick Andrews, Rich Smith, Tom Albertson, Geoff Keating 4. Approval of minutes: Minutes approved, including amendment suggested by Jeremy Rowley, as circulated.
    2014-04-03 Minutes
    April 3, 2014 by Ben WilsonMinutes of 3 April 2014 1. Antitrust Statement – read by Dean. 2. Agenda reviewed. Eddy would also like to discuss next meeting issues. 3. Present: Dean Coclin, Dave Barnet, Jeremy Rowley, Ben Wilson, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Phill Hallam-Baker, Atsushi Inaba, Ryan Sleevi, Cornelia Enke, Eddy Nigg, Wayne Thayer, Imren Altepe, Robin Alden, Gerv Markham, Moudrick Dadashov, Rick Andrews, Rich Smith, and Stephen Davidson 4. Minutes of 20-Mar-2014. Eddy was going to follow up with ARX.
    2014-03-20 Minutes
    March 20, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting, CAB Forum, 20 March 2014, Version 1 1. Antitrust Statement was read. 2. Agenda reviewed. 3. Present: Ben Wilson, Doug Beattie, Phill Hallam-Baker, Jeremy Rowley, Atsushi Inaba, Ryan Sleevi, Eddy Nigg, Geoff Keating, Dean Coclin, Kirk Hall, Robin Alden, Gerv Markham, Moudrick Dadashov, Rick Andrews 4. Minutes of 30-Jan-2014 and 6-Mar-2014 were approved. 5. Ballot review: Current tally of votes on Ballots 116 (revise bylaws for Associate Members); 117 (EV Code Signing fixes); and 119 (remove “ofIncorporation”) is available on Google spreadsheet.
    2014-03-06 Minutes
    March 6, 2014 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting, CAB Forum, 6 March 2014, Version 1 1. Present: Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Adam Clark, Ryan Sleevi, Atilla Biler, Doug Beattie, Marcelo Silva, Dean Coclin, Eddy Nigg, Kirk Hall, Wayne Thayer, Jeremy Rowley, 2. Antitrust Statement and Agenda Review: Ben read the Antitrust Statement and reviewed the agenda. New member applications were briefly reviewed. Mat Caughron has been added as a representative of Apple. Adam Clark and Marcelo Silva have joined as representatives of Visa.
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).