CA/Browser Forum posts
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Ballot 183 – Amending the Bylaws to Clarify the Ballot Approval Process
January 31, 2017 by Ben WilsonBallot 183 was approved by a vote of 17 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by CAs, and 2 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by browsers. The quorum figure was 8 votes total, so quorum was achieved. CA yes votes: Amazon, ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, Buypass AS, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig a.s., Entrust Datacard, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe S.A., SwissSign AG, Symantec, Trustwave, and TurkTrust, Browser yes votes: Apple, Mozilla
January 31, 2017 by Ben WilsonBallot 183 was approved by a vote of 17 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by CAs, and 2 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by browsers. The quorum figure was 8 votes total, so quorum was achieved. CA yes votes: Amazon, ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, Buypass AS, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig a.s., Entrust Datacard, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe S.A., SwissSign AG, Symantec, Trustwave, and TurkTrust, Browser yes votes: Apple, Mozilla
Ballot 178 – Special Ballot for Election of Vice Chair
October 6, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
October 6, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
Ballot 177 – Special Ballot for Election of Chair
September 22, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
September 22, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
Ballot 166 – Clarification of Membership Requirements
April 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 166 (Membership Update) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 18 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Ballot 166: Clarification of Membership Requirements The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Gerv Markham of Mozilla and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
April 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 166 (Membership Update) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 18 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Ballot 166: Clarification of Membership Requirements The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Gerv Markham of Mozilla and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group
March 31, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 165, Formation of Governance Review Working Group, has now ended. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 4 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
March 31, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 165, Formation of Governance Review Working Group, has now ended. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 4 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
Ballot 157 – Adopt version 1.2 of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy
February 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonFor Ballot 157 (Amend IPR Policy), there were 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 3 Abstentions from CAs. There were 4 YES votes, and 0 NO or Abstention votes from Browsers. Therefore, the ballot passes. Members are now asked to fulfill the requirements of Ballot 157 as indicated in the ballot. Ballot 157 – Adopt version 1.2 of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy The Patent Advisory Group (PAG) was convened to review potential issues with the interpretation of the CA/Browser Forum’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy (IPR Policy). The PAG has completed its review of the IPR Policy, and the PAG recommends that the Forum adopt the attached v. 1.2 of the IPR Policy. Therefore, the following resolution has been proposed by PAG Chair Ben Wilson of Digicert and endorsed by PAG members Scott Peterson of Google and Virginia Fournier of Apple.
February 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonFor Ballot 157 (Amend IPR Policy), there were 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 3 Abstentions from CAs. There were 4 YES votes, and 0 NO or Abstention votes from Browsers. Therefore, the ballot passes. Members are now asked to fulfill the requirements of Ballot 157 as indicated in the ballot. Ballot 157 – Adopt version 1.2 of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy The Patent Advisory Group (PAG) was convened to review potential issues with the interpretation of the CA/Browser Forum’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy (IPR Policy). The PAG has completed its review of the IPR Policy, and the PAG recommends that the Forum adopt the attached v. 1.2 of the IPR Policy. Therefore, the following resolution has been proposed by PAG Chair Ben Wilson of Digicert and endorsed by PAG members Scott Peterson of Google and Virginia Fournier of Apple.
Ballot 149 – Membership Criteria Clarification
July 10, 2015 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 149 (Membership criteria clarification) has closed. The Forum received 17 YES votes from CA members: Buypass, Chungwa Telecom, Disig, Entrust, Globalsign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Logius PKIoverheid, OpenTrust, QuoVadis, SSC, Symantec, Trend Micro, Trustwave, TurkTrust, Visa and WoSign and 3 YES votes from Browser members: Google, Opera and Mozilla. Three Abstain votes were received from CA members Actalis, ANF, OATI. There were 0 NO votes. Therefore the ballot passes.
July 10, 2015 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 149 (Membership criteria clarification) has closed. The Forum received 17 YES votes from CA members: Buypass, Chungwa Telecom, Disig, Entrust, Globalsign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Logius PKIoverheid, OpenTrust, QuoVadis, SSC, Symantec, Trend Micro, Trustwave, TurkTrust, Visa and WoSign and 3 YES votes from Browser members: Google, Opera and Mozilla. Three Abstain votes were received from CA members Actalis, ANF, OATI. There were 0 NO votes. Therefore the ballot passes.
Ballot 143 – Formalization of Validation Working Group
February 18, 2015 by Ben WilsonBallot 143 – Formalization of Validation Working Group Reason In order to address validation issues and inconsistencies in both the SSL Baseline Requirements and the EV Guidelines, the CAB Forum has held an informal working group previously referred to as the Extended Validation Working Group now known as the Validation Working Group, would like to modify its scope to include validation in the Baseline Requirements as well as the EV Guidelines.
February 18, 2015 by Ben WilsonBallot 143 – Formalization of Validation Working Group Reason In order to address validation issues and inconsistencies in both the SSL Baseline Requirements and the EV Guidelines, the CAB Forum has held an informal working group previously referred to as the Extended Validation Working Group now known as the Validation Working Group, would like to modify its scope to include validation in the Baseline Requirements as well as the EV Guidelines.
CA/B Forum Releases Code Signing Baseline Requirements – Final Draft for Public Exposure
February 5, 2015 by Ben WilsonThe Code Signing Working Group of the CA/Browser Forum announces the final draft of the Code Signing Baseline Requirements. This version takes into account comments received in the first round of public review as well as comments from WebTrust auditors. Additional changes/corrections were incorporated by the working group over the past 3 months. Baseline requirements for codesigning – Feb 4 2015 This version is being sent out to the public mailing list and will be posted on the CA/B Forum website for final comments until March 6th, 2015.
February 5, 2015 by Ben WilsonThe Code Signing Working Group of the CA/Browser Forum announces the final draft of the Code Signing Baseline Requirements. This version takes into account comments received in the first round of public review as well as comments from WebTrust auditors. Additional changes/corrections were incorporated by the working group over the past 3 months. Baseline requirements for codesigning – Feb 4 2015 This version is being sent out to the public mailing list and will be posted on the CA/B Forum website for final comments until March 6th, 2015.
Ballot 139 – Vice Chair Election
October 24, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 139 – Vice Chair Election The voting period to elect a new Vice Chair of the CA / Browser Forum is now open.
October 24, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 139 – Vice Chair Election The voting period to elect a new Vice Chair of the CA / Browser Forum is now open.