CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

Posts by tag Forum

    Ballot 149 – Membership Criteria Clarification
    July 10, 2015 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 149 (Membership criteria clarification) has closed. The Forum received 17 YES votes from CA members: Buypass, Chungwa Telecom, Disig, Entrust, Globalsign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Logius PKIoverheid, OpenTrust, QuoVadis, SSC, Symantec, Trend Micro, Trustwave, TurkTrust, Visa and WoSign and 3 YES votes from Browser members: Google, Opera and Mozilla. Three Abstain votes were received from CA members Actalis, ANF, OATI. There were 0 NO votes. Therefore the ballot passes.
    Ballot 143 – Formalization of Validation Working Group
    February 18, 2015 by Ben WilsonBallot 143 – Formalization of Validation Working Group Reason In order to address validation issues and inconsistencies in both the SSL Baseline Requirements and the EV Guidelines, the CAB Forum has held an informal working group previously referred to as the Extended Validation Working Group now known as the Validation Working Group, would like to modify its scope to include validation in the Baseline Requirements as well as the EV Guidelines.
    CA/B Forum Releases Code Signing Baseline Requirements – Final Draft for Public Exposure
    February 5, 2015 by Ben WilsonThe Code Signing Working Group of the CA/Browser Forum announces the final draft of the Code Signing Baseline Requirements. This version takes into account comments received in the first round of public review as well as comments from WebTrust auditors. Additional changes/corrections were incorporated by the working group over the past 3 months. Baseline requirements for codesigning – Feb 4 2015 This version is being sent out to the public mailing list and will be posted on the CA/B Forum website for final comments until March 6th, 2015.
    Ballot 139 – Vice Chair Election
    October 24, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 139 – Vice Chair Election The voting period to elect a new Vice Chair of the CA / Browser Forum is now open. Voting will close at 2200 UTC on Friday, 24 October 2014. Candidates for Vice Chair are: Atilla Biler – Turktrust Kirk Hall – Trend Micro Robin Alden – Comodo Below are their candidate statements previously sent to the Forum. Voting Instructions Please send your vote to the Election Committee – Don Sheehy at and cc: Arno Fiedler at .
    Ballot 138 – Security Information Sharing Working Group
    October 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 138 – Security Information Sharing Working Group Voting on Ballot 138 – Information Sharing Working Group closed on 16 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from Actalis, ANF, Buypass, Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Izenpe, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, SECOM, SSC, StartCom, Symantec, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. Google abstained. Therefore, Ballot 138 passed. Kirk Hall of Trend Micro made the following motion and Ben Wilson of Digicert and Dean Coclin of Symantec have endorsed it:
    Ballot 137 – Voting Process Bylaw Amendment (Passed)
    October 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 137 – Voting Process Bylaw Amendment Voting on Ballot 137 – Voting Process Bylaw Amendment closed on 16 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, SECOM, SSC, SttartCom, Symantec, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. Actalis, ANF, Buypass, Google, Izenpe, and Logius PKIoverheid abstained. Therefore, Ballot 137 passed. Ben Wilson proposed the following ballot and Moudrick Dadashov of SSC and Dean Coclin of Symantec have endorsed it.
    Ballot 136 – Chair Election
    October 15, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 136 – Chair Election Voting on Ballot 136 – Chair Election closed on 15 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from ANF, Buypass, Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Google, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, SSC, StartCom, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. Actalis, Izenpe and Symantec abstained. Therefore, Ballot 136 passed. Ben Wilson made the following motion, Rob Horne of Trustis, and Tim Hollebeek of TrustWave have endorsed it:
    CA/Browser Forum Releases Code Signing Baseline Requirements Public Comment Draft
    August 25, 2014 by Ben WilsonIn 2013, the CA/Browser Forum voted to create a Code Signing Working Group whose sole purpose was to come up with a set of Baseline Requirements for the issuance of Code Signing Certificates. The result of that effort is the: Baseline Requirements for Code Signing Certificates, Public Comment Draft (doc) Baseline Requirements for Code Signing Certificates, Public Comment Draft (pdf) Once approved by the CA/B Forum and subsequent audit standards are created, all Certificate Authorities will be obligated to follow these Requirements when issuing and managing code signing certificates.
    Ballot 130 – Working Group Bylaw Amendment
    August 15, 2014 by Ben WilsonThis ballot was withdrawn.
    Ballot 128 – CP Review Working Group (passes)
    July 9, 2014 by Ben WilsonVoting closed on July 9, 2014. In Favor: Buypass, DigiCert, GlobalSign, OPENTRUST, QuoVadis, SECOM, Symantec, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, WoSign, Opera, Mozilla and Microsoft. Abstaining: Actalis Result: Ballot passes. Ballot 128 – CP Review Working Group During the CAB Forum face-to-face meeting, we discussed creating a working group to compare the NIST IR proposal and various with the existing CAB Forum work product. The group will also continue our contemplation on converting to a 3647 format to make future comparisons easier.
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).