CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

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    Ballot 216 – Update Discussion Period Process
    December 21, 2017 by Ben WilsonThe voting period for Ballot 216 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 13 votes total including abstentions 13 Yes votes: Buypass, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, HARICA,, TrustCor, Trustwave, TurkTrust 0 No votes: 0 Abstain: 100% of voting CAs voted in favor Voting by browsers – 4 votes total including abstentions 4 Yes votes: Apple, Comodo Security Solutions, Google, Mozilla
    Ballot 205 – Membership-Related Clarifications
    July 6, 2017 by Ben WilsonResults on Ballot 205 – Membership-Related Clarifications The voting period for Ballot 205 has ended, and the ballot passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 13 votes total, including abstentions 13 Yes votes: Actalis, Buypass, CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, DigiCert, Entrust, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Logius PKIoverheid, SHECA 0 No votes: 0 Abstain: 100% of voting CAs voted in favor Voting by browsers – x votes total, including abstentions 4 Yes votes: Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera
    Ballot 203 – Formation of Network Security Working Group
    June 19, 2017 by Ben WilsonResults on Ballot 203 – Formation of Network Security Working Group The voting period for Ballot 203 has ended. The ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 19 votes total including abstentions 17 Yes votes: Buypass, CFCA, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GDCA, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, SHECA, SSC, SwissSign, Symantec, TrustCor, Trustwave, TurkTrust 0 No votes: 2 Abstain: Actalis, OATI 100% of voting CAs voted in favor
    Ballot 200 – Amendment of Bylaws to add Code of Conduct
    May 30, 2017 by Ben WilsonBallot 200 Results on Ballot 200 – Amendment of Bylaws to add Code of Conduct The voting period for Ballot 200 has ended, and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 24 votes total, including abstentions 24 Yes votes: Amazon, ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, Buypass, CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, CNNIC, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, Logius PKIoverheid, OATI, QuoVadis, SHECA, SSC, SwissSign, Symantec, Trustwave, TurkTrust
    Ballot 183 – Amending the Bylaws to Clarify the Ballot Approval Process
    January 31, 2017 by Ben WilsonBallot 183 was approved by a vote of 17 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by CAs, and 2 yes (100%), 0 no, 0 abstain by browsers. The quorum figure was 8 votes total, so quorum was achieved. CA yes votes: Amazon, ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, Buypass AS, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig a.s., Entrust Datacard, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe S.A., SwissSign AG, Symantec, Trustwave, and TurkTrust, Browser yes votes: Apple, Mozilla
    Ballot 178 – Special Ballot for Election of Vice Chair
    October 6, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
    Ballot 177 – Special Ballot for Election of Chair
    September 22, 2016 by Ben WilsonThe text of this ballot needs to be pasted in here.
    Ballot 166 – Clarification of Membership Requirements
    April 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 166 (Membership Update) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 18 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Ballot 166: Clarification of Membership Requirements The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Gerv Markham of Mozilla and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
    Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group
    March 31, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 165, Formation of Governance Review Working Group, has now ended. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 4 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
    Ballot 157 – Adopt version 1.2 of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy
    February 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonFor Ballot 157 (Amend IPR Policy), there were 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 3 Abstentions from CAs. There were 4 YES votes, and 0 NO or Abstention votes from Browsers. Therefore, the ballot passes. Members are now asked to fulfill the requirements of Ballot 157 as indicated in the ballot. Ballot 157 – Adopt version 1.2 of the Intellectual Property Rights Policy The Patent Advisory Group (PAG) was convened to review potential issues with the interpretation of the CA/Browser Forum’s Intellectual Property Rights Policy (IPR Policy).
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).