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Posts by tag Code Signing

    Ballot CSC-18: Update Revocation Requirements
    May 24, 2023 by Corey BonnellResults of Review Period (Mailing list post is available here.)
    2023-05-18 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    May 18, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAtsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Bianca Martin (Amazon), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Eva Van Steenberge (GlobalSign), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo Barreira (Sectigo), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Mohit Kumar (GlobalSign), Roberto Quiñones (Intel), Rollin Yu (TrustAsia), Tim Crawford (BDO), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert) Minutes The Antitrust statement was read Minutes from May 4th approved Ballot: CSC 18 – Malware base revocation (Martijn) In discussion period, voting period ending before meeting is over Dean: tracker shows quorum met Removing SSL BR References Martjin: About half docs reviewed for missing definitions. Removed 2 definitions that are not used. A couple may need to be added, will need to discuss Subject Name stability Email from new interested party (Mike Hearn) Ian: MSIX (Appx) does hash calculation of the publisher’s name value that is in the manifest and compares it to the full subject name value of signing certificate Was working fine when only used inside of store distribution. As its been rolled out broadly to allow MSI package into MSIX, they’ve run into this issue for companies that change their name or locale. New packages would validate fine but presents inability to update existing apps because it depends on Package Name alignment. This is Microsoft MSIX issue, not a broad certificate issuance problem. Tim: This is example of using [subject] name instead of global identifier and this has all the issues that are well known. Bruce: Even global identifier might change if company changes name, like with SSL and org ID Ian: Apple and Google offer ways to uniquely identify orgs. If Microsoft offered something similar, it would not be something that Public CAs should have to do. Ian will draft a response to this email June F2F is June 6th afternoon. Dean moves to cancel call scheduled for Jun 1st. No objections Agenda for F2F Time: 1:45pm to 3:45pm (nothing scheduled after this, so could keep going) Ian: no guest speaker for code signing workgroup. Roy Williams is going to talk about Secure Supply Chain Integrity, Trust and Transparency. Bruce: Spend some time reviewing time stamping changes Ian is proposing. Discuss EV Certificates. Continue discussion on Certificate Transparency Dean may not be able to attend in person, Bruce can facilitate
    2023-05-04 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    May 4, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAtsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Eva Van Steenberge (GlobalSign), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Janet Hines (VikingCloud), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Mohit Kumar (GlobalSign), Rollin Yu (TrustAsia), Tim Crawford (BDO), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert) MinutesAntitrust statement: The Antitrust statement was read. Approval of minutes: Minutes for 26 January 2023 & 20 April 2023 approved Ballot: CSC 18 – Malware base revocation (Martijn) Sending out v2.1 soon Noted a few small changes Request from Ian Changed effective date to allow both using the new procedure right away or wait until the effective date (April 15, 2024) Tim will send around internally for review. Ballot: Remove SSL BR References (Dimitris was not present so Bruce gave update) Review of the capitalized terms has started but is not complete Looking for two endorsers F2F Agenda Topics Discussion Discussion around possible presentation from Microsoft but Ian is looking for some idea of the main topics Suggested there may be time to discuss signing services after the revocation and 3647 ballot but may need to wait for updates based other ballots Suggested to discuss Timestamping changes Suggested discussing removing text allowing for keys not stored in hw Bruce suggested discussing high risk items, and Tim mentioned that in previous discussions post June the plan was to remove high risk language, Bruce agreed. Bruce suggested potentially a clean-up ballot Ben suggested discussion around some of the proposed changes in the CSBRs and will think about specific topics for discussion Some side discussion between Bruce and Ian about the future of EV certificates, potential topic for MS to present on and/or have on the agenda at the F2F Ian suggested discussing certificate transparency for code signing certificates were there was discussion amongst the attendees that it was a good topic to add In summary; timestamping changes, high risk language, potentially some specific CSBR github discussion threads, EV/OV certificates, certificate transparency Other business Discussed request for new interested party participant from Hydraulic Software, Dean will connect with Wayne to accomplish. Next Meeting: May 18th 2023 Adjourn
    2023-04-20 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    April 20, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesBruce Morton – (Entrust), Corey Bonnell – (DigiCert), Dean Coclin – (DigiCert), Dimitris Zacharopoulos – (HARICA), Ian McMillan – (Microsoft), Inaba Atsushi – (GlobalSign), Inigo Barreira – (Sectigo), Janet Hines – (VikingCloud), Martijn Katerbarg – (Sectigo), Tim Crawford – (CPA Canada/WebTrust) MinutesNote Well: The Note Well was read. Approval of Minutes: April 6th minutes are approved. January 26th minutes are pending. Bruce will take over writing these minutes. Ballot Status CSC-18 – In discussion period. A few additional items were mentioned which are being added: Request from Application Software Suppliers to not revoke a certificate when requested by them Effective Date. During the call it was discussed to set April 15th 2024 as the effective date, also adding language that will allow CAs to start using the new way earlier. A v2 ballot will be started soon Incorporating BR references No changes since the last meeting. Still need to review and go over definitions Signing Service No changes here. Also waiting on the other two ballots to complete first RFC for Key Attestation Mike from Entrust is trying to put together an RFC around Key Attestation. Information was circulated on the public list for anyone wanting to assist
    2023-04-06 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    April 6, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAtsushi Inaba (Globalsign), Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Brianca Martin (Amazon), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Janet Hines (Viking Cloud), Martijn Karterbarg (Sectigo), Mohit Kumar (Globalsign), Tim Crawford (BDO), Tomas Gustavson (Keyfactor) MinutesMinute taker: Dean Coclin The Anti-Trust summary was read Three sets of prior meeting minutes were approved: F2F, March 9 and March 23. Malware based revocation: Martijn stated that this was ready for ballot. The PR on github has been created. CSCWG 18 is the ballot number. Martijn will send out a summary and proposed ballot. Signing Service Update: Bruce was unable to attend, hence this topic was tabled until the next call Removing SSL BR references: Dimitris reviewed some of the changes to the BRs. Martijn agreed to help divide the upcoming work. Various sections were reviewed and updated in the document which Dimitris is maintaining on Git. All the modifications can be found on the Git repository. We expect to consider the import of the BRs at the next meeting. Following this, we will work on the references to the EV guidelines. Next meeting on April 20th.
    2023-03-23 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    March 23, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAtsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Brianca Martin (Amazon), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo Barreira (Sectigo), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Roberto Quinones (Intel), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert) MinutesAdministration Attendance and requests a minute taker Reads antitrust statement Waiting on minutes for two meeting prior to face to face Face to face minutes will be approved at next meeting Malware Based Revocation Ballot Ballot summary Taking approach BRs and SBRs are taking on revocation Removing CS specific suspect code reference Discuss 5 day revocation window, consider a 5 day and/or 7 day Bruce noted good to sync with the SSL BRs at 24 hours and 5 days, but ok with suspect code at 5 days and 7 days Discussion if we should have requirements defining a misused certificate compared to private key misuse Additional discussion of misused keys, compared to compromised keys, and signed code that is suspect Action point to consider defining misuse Discussion on proper time limit for known compromise and signing malware Discussion of the difference in timing requirements between key compromise and singing suspect code and back dating revocation Discussed the consideration that signing suspect code should be treated as a potential compromise of key and/or the subscriber does not have practices in place to detect suspect code Discussion of asking Microsoft as the main certificate consumer to weigh in on complicated use cases. This is a practice now and not an overly common practice, this would take place after revocation and there is an open period to back date revocation Mentioned the RFC does not allow back dating, but it is an important tool for code signing Need to cover the loophole for certificate problem reports for expired or revoked certificates Potential wording is being drafted and will be included in GitHub and distributed Other topics It was determined singing service did not have much to discuss at this time and we should focus on the revocation topic A couple of points on removing the SSL BR reference were mentioned and would be discussed on future calls
    2023-03-09 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    March 9, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAndrea Holland (SecureTrust), Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Brianca Martin (Amazon), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo Barriera (Sectigo), Janet Hines (VikingCloud), Rollin Yu (TrustAsia), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert), Tomas Gustavsson (Keyfactor) Minutes Assign Minute taker (start recording) Brianca is taking minutes Antitrust Statement Dean reminded all participants that they must comply with the CA/Browser Forum anti-trust policy, code of conduct, and intellectual property rights agreement. Please contact the chair with any comments or concerns about these policies. Meeting Minutes February 9th meeting minutes pending receipt from Trevoli Ponds (Amazon). Martijn took minutes at the F2F Meeting on February 28th. Agenda – Items discussed in the F2F meeting a. Ian provided an overview from Microsoft’s perspective. Subscribers (buy certs, sign code) and consumers (consume the code/application that is signed/application).
    2023-02-09 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    February 9, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAndrea Holland (VikingCloud), Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Brianca Martin (Amazon Trust Services), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo Barreira (Sectigo), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Mohit Kumar (GlobalSign), Roberto Quinones (Intel), Rollin Yu (TrustAsia), Tim Crawford (WebTrust), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert) Minutes Antitrust statement read Approval of minutes: Jan 26th minutes have not been sent out Ballot: Malware base revocation (Martijn) Received some pushback on the mailing list. Discussion from Martijn K., Bruce M., Ian M., and Tim H. around revamping the entire revocation section. Agreed to pull revocation sections from the TLS and SMIME BRs and removing unnecessary items and added necessary sections like backdating and revocation investigations. Ballot: Signing Service Update (Bruce) Previous action item was to change the definition of Signing Service to align what a signing service does and its models. Proposed definition- **Subscriber Key Protection Service**: An organization that generates the Key Pair and securely generates and manages the Private Key associated with a Subscriber’s Code Signing Certificate. Discussion from Bruce M., Tim H., Ian M., Inigo B., and Martijn K. on the requirements for signing service: who generates, who activates, who stores, how it is stored and how is it managed. Discussion around adjusting the name from Signing Service to Subscriber Key Protection Service as the focus of the Signing Service is on protection not the artifact being signed. Next step is to close out the comments, push through the new definition, get a second proposal, and effective date. Ballot: Remove SSL BR References – tabled discussion Other business – F2F prep Top 3 Goals are being worked on
    2023-01-26 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    January 26, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendeesAndrea Holland (VikingCloud), Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Ben Dewberry (Keyfactor), Brianca Martin (Amazon Trust Services), Bruce Morton (Entrust), Corey Bonnell (DigiCert), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Ian McMillan (Microsoft), Inigo Barreira (Sectigo), Janet Hines (VikingCloud), Martijn Katerbarg (Sectigo), Roberto Quinones (Intel), Tim Hollebeek (DigiCert), Trevoli (Amazon Trust Services) Minutes Antitrust statement read Approval of minutes: Minutes for 12 January 2023 approved Ballot: Malware base revocation (Martijn) Some discussion and need to get feedback into Github before the end of the week. Bruce stated he would endorse after review. Ian is the other endorser. Ballot: Signing Service Update (Bruce) Bruce is having difficulty with Github to move the ballot forward. Martijn volunteered to help out. Ben asked for the procedure to give feedback, which can be done in Github or the mailing list Tim H would like to see the mailing list used more often Dean will check status of Ben in the mailing list Ben started a discussion about multi-factor for Signing Service. We need to come up with a way to discuss how this can be done. Ian indicated that the proposed change allows for secure server-to-server communication, but does not provide details Ballot: Remove SSL BR References (Dimitris) Dimitris stated work has been done and has been reviewed with Martijn, now need to review with the group Dean suggested we add to the F2F meeting, but we decided to review in the meeting Dimitris added “Editor” notes for review Dimitris has imported text from SSL BRs where no text is in the CSBRs Inigo is concerned about conflicts between BRs, but Tim H advised that concerned CAs work in multiple working groups Bruce suggested that it would be good if we had the “BR of BRs” to cover common items There was discussion about updates to definitions and references Decided not to import 4.2.1 from SSL BRs There was a discussion about importing SubCA revocation and misalignment of paragraphs. It was suggested this could be fixed with the revocation ballot or another future ballot. Decided to add in OCSP “3600 seconds” change with an effective date For Suspension, decided to add “No stipulation” and address in a future ballot. Other business F2F we have 1.5 hours scheduled Try to make a plan for the year at F2F Next Meeting – 9 February 2023 Adjourn
    2023-01-12 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
    January 12, 2023 by Corey BonnellAttendees Atsushi Inaba, Ben Dewberry, Corey Bonnell, Dean Coclin, Dimitris Zacharopoulos, Inigo Barreira, Janet Hines, Martijn Katerbarg, Michael Sykes, Mohit Kumar, Rollin Yu, Tim Crawford
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).