CA/Browser Forum posts
Posts by tag Ballot
Ballot 175 – Addition of given name and surname
September 7, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 175, Addition of given name and surname, has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CA’s, we received 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 2 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Thanks, Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 17****5 – Addition of givenName/surname The following motion has been proposed by Jeremy Rowley of DigiCert and endorsed by Richard Wang of WoSign and Eddy Nigg of StartCom:
September 7, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 175, Addition of given name and surname, has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CA’s, we received 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 2 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Thanks, Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 17****5 – Addition of givenName/surname The following motion has been proposed by Jeremy Rowley of DigiCert and endorsed by Richard Wang of WoSign and Eddy Nigg of StartCom:
Ballot 174 – Reform of Requirements Relating to Conflict with Local Laws
August 29, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 174, “Reform of requirements relating to conflict with local laws” has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 21 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. CAs are required to make this change to their processes by a date 90 days from the date this ballot passes.
August 29, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 174, “Reform of requirements relating to conflict with local laws” has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 21 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. CAs are required to make this change to their processes by a date 90 days from the date this ballot passes.
Ballot 169 – Revised Validation Requirements
August 5, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 169, Revised Validation Requirements, has ended. Here are the results: From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore, the ballot passes unanimously. A big thank you to the validation working group for all your efforts in working through the issues and developing a ballot which met everyone’s expectations. The results are indicative of the time you took to address comments from the group.
August 5, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 169, Revised Validation Requirements, has ended. Here are the results: From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore, the ballot passes unanimously. A big thank you to the validation working group for all your efforts in working through the issues and developing a ballot which met everyone’s expectations. The results are indicative of the time you took to address comments from the group.
Ballot 173 – Removal of requirement to cease use of private key due to incorrect certificate info
July 28, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 173, Removal of requirement to cease use of public key due to incorrect info, has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 16 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 0 Abstentions. From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. The effective date is 45 days from July 28, 2016. Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair
July 28, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 173, Removal of requirement to cease use of public key due to incorrect info, has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 16 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 0 Abstentions. From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. The effective date is 45 days from July 28, 2016. Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair
Ballot 172 – Removal of permanentIdentifier from EV Code Signing Guidelines
July 5, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 172, “Removal of Permanent Identifier” has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 9 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 7 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 1 YES vote, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. Full results can be seen on the ballot tracker: Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 172 – Removal of permanentIdentifier from EV Code Signing Guidelines The following motion has been proposed by Bruce Morton of Entrust and endorsed by Rick Andrews of Symantec and Jeremy Rowley of DigiCert:
July 5, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 172, “Removal of Permanent Identifier” has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 9 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 7 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 1 YES vote, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions Therefore the ballot passes. Full results can be seen on the ballot tracker: Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 172 – Removal of permanentIdentifier from EV Code Signing Guidelines The following motion has been proposed by Bruce Morton of Entrust and endorsed by Rick Andrews of Symantec and Jeremy Rowley of DigiCert:
Ballot 171 – Updating the ETSI standards in the CABF documents
July 1, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 171, “Updating ETSI standards in CABF documents” is now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 3 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 1 YES vote, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full voting results can be found here: Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 171 – Updating the ETSI standards in the CABF documents The following motion has been proposed by Iñigo Barreira of Izenpe and endorsed by Mads Henriksveen of Buypass, Jochem van den Berge of Logius PKIoverheid and Arno Fiedler of D-trust
July 1, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 171, “Updating ETSI standards in CABF documents” is now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 13 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 3 Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 1 YES vote, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full voting results can be found here: Dean Coclin CA/B Forum Chair Ballot 171 – Updating the ETSI standards in the CABF documents The following motion has been proposed by Iñigo Barreira of Izenpe and endorsed by Mads Henriksveen of Buypass, Jochem van den Berge of Logius PKIoverheid and Arno Fiedler of D-trust
Ballot 170 – Amend Section 5.1 of Baseline Requirements
June 16, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 170, Amend section 5.1 of BRs, has now closed. The following are the results: From the CAs, we received 11 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 2 YES votes, 2 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot fails. Dean Coclin Chair CA/B Forum Ballot 170 – Amend Section 5.1 of Baseline Requirements The Policy Review Working Group has reviewed Section 5.1 of the Baseline Requirements and, as a result, suggests that certain changes be made. Therefore, the following motion has been proposed by Ben Wilson of DigiCert and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Li-Chun CHEN of Chunghwa Telecom:
June 16, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 170, Amend section 5.1 of BRs, has now closed. The following are the results: From the CAs, we received 11 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 1 Abstention From the Browsers, we received 2 YES votes, 2 NO votes and 0 Abstentions. Therefore the ballot fails. Dean Coclin Chair CA/B Forum Ballot 170 – Amend Section 5.1 of Baseline Requirements The Policy Review Working Group has reviewed Section 5.1 of the Baseline Requirements and, as a result, suggests that certain changes be made. Therefore, the following motion has been proposed by Ben Wilson of DigiCert and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Li-Chun CHEN of Chunghwa Telecom:
Ballot 168 – Baseline Requirement Corrections – revised
May 10, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 168 (BR Corrections) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 25 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions NOTE: Due to the membership status of 4 CAs that voted YES (which will be approved on tomorrow’s call), those 4 votes are disqualified, giving us a total of 21 YES votes. From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions
May 10, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 168 (BR Corrections) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 25 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions NOTE: Due to the membership status of 4 CAs that voted YES (which will be approved on tomorrow’s call), those 4 votes are disqualified, giving us a total of 21 YES votes. From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, 0 NO votes and 0 Abstentions
Ballot 167 – Baseline Requirements Corrections
April 21, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 167 (BR Corrections) has closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs we received 2 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 0 Abstentions From the Browsers we received 2 YES votes, 0 NO Votes and 0 Abstentions However, the quorum was not met and therefore the ballot fails. The following motion has been proposed by Peter Bowen of Amazon and endorsed by Dimitris Zacharopoulos of HARICA and Josh Aas of ISRG:
April 21, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 167 (BR Corrections) has closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs we received 2 YES votes, 1 NO vote and 0 Abstentions From the Browsers we received 2 YES votes, 0 NO Votes and 0 Abstentions However, the quorum was not met and therefore the ballot fails. The following motion has been proposed by Peter Bowen of Amazon and endorsed by Dimitris Zacharopoulos of HARICA and Josh Aas of ISRG:
Ballot 166 – Clarification of Membership Requirements
April 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 166 (Membership Update) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 18 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Ballot 166: Clarification of Membership Requirements The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Gerv Markham of Mozilla and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:
April 4, 2016 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 166 (Membership Update) has now closed. The results are as follows: From the CAs, we received 18 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions From the Browsers, we received 3 YES votes, zero NO votes and zero Abstentions. Therefore the ballot passes. Full ballot results can be found here: Ballot 166: Clarification of Membership Requirements The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Gerv Markham of Mozilla and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro: