CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

Posts by tag Ballot

    Ballot SC002: Validating Certificates via CAA CONTACT
    July 27, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot SC2 has ended and the ballot has failed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 25 votes total, including abstentions 20 Yes votes: Amazon, Certigna (DHIMYOTIS), Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, D-TRUST, DigiCert, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, QuoVadis, SECOM, SHECA,, SwissSign, TWCA, TrustCor, Visa
    Ballot 221 – Two-Factor Authentication and Password Improvements
    May 24, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot 221 has ended and the ballot has failed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 6 votes total including abstentions 6 Yes votes: Amazon, DigiCert, HARICA, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, TWCA, TrustCor
    Ballot 224: WHOIS and RDAP
    May 22, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot 224 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 22 votes total including abstentions 22 Yes votes: Actalis, Amazon, Buypass, Camerfirma, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, D-TRUST, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, HARICA, Izenpe, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, OATI, SHECA, SSC, TWCA, TrustCor, Trustwave, TurkTrust
    Ballot 223 – Update BR Section 8.4 for CA audit criteria
    May 16, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot 223 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 24 votes total including abstentions 24 Yes votes: Actalis, Amazon, Buypass, Camerfirma, CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, D-TRUST, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, OATI, QuoVadis, Sertifitseerimiskeskus, SHECA,, SSC, TrustCor, Trustwave
    Ballot 222 – Remove “Any other method” for IP Address validation
    May 15, 2018 by Ben WilsonThis ballot was replaced by Ballot SC7: Update IP Address Validation Methods.
    Ballot 219 – Clarify handling of CAA Record Sets with no “issue”/”issuewild” property tag
    April 10, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot 219 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 18 votes total including abstentions 18 Yes votes: Actalis, Amazon, Buypass, CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, D-TRUST, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, HARICA, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, OATI, QuoVadis, SHECA,, TrustCor, Trustwave
    Ballot 206 –Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws re Working Group Formation
    April 3, 2018 by Ben WilsonResults on Ballot 206 – Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws re Working Group Formation The voting period for Ballot 206 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results.
    Ballot 220 – Minor Cleanups (Spring 2018)
    March 30, 2018 by Jos PurvisResults on Ballot 220 – Minor Cleanups (Spring 2018) The voting period for Ballot 220 has ended, and the ballot has passed. Here are the results.
    Ballot 218 – Remove validation methods 1 and 5
    February 5, 2018 by Jos PurvisThe voting period for Ballot 218 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 22 votes total including abstentions 14 Yes votes: CFCA, Cisco, Comodo CA, D-TRUST, DigiCert, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Izenpe, Let’s Encrypt, Logius PKIoverheid,, TrustCor, Trustwave
    Ballot 216 – Update Discussion Period Process
    December 21, 2017 by Ben WilsonThe voting period for Ballot 216 has ended and the ballot has passed. Here are the results. Voting by CAs – 13 votes total including abstentions 13 Yes votes: Buypass, Chunghwa Telecom, Cisco, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, HARICA,, TrustCor, Trustwave, TurkTrust
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).