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IPR Exclusion Notices

IPR Exclusion Notices


Ballot SC70 - Exclusion Notice - GoDaddy (2024-03-25)


Ballot 182

Ballot 182 – Exclusion Notice – GoDaddy (12-28-2016)

Ballot 182 Exclusion Notice – Amended (GMO GlobalSign)

Ballot 182 – Exclusion Notice Symantec

Ballot 182 Exclusion Notice (GMO GlobalSign) 12-15-2016

Ballot 169

GoDaddy Ballot 169 IPR Exclusion Notice

Symantec Ballot 169 IPR Exclusion Notice

IPR Policy v1.2 Adoption Notices

Symantec_Exclusion_Notice (2016)


Comodo Patent Exclusion Notice (2012)

GoDaddy Patent Exclusion Notice (2012)

PayPal Patent Exclusion Notice (2012)

Symantec Patent Exclusion Notice (2012)


Disclosure DateFile ReferenceCABF GuidelineBrief Description of IPWilling to license?
1-Aug-2012U.S.Pat.No. 7,757,088UnspecifiedMethod of displaying an item of information relating to a websiteUnstated


Disclosure DateFile ReferenceCABF GuidelineBrief Description of IPWilling to license?
31-July-2012US Pat. No.8,156,190UnspecifiedGenerating PKI email accounts on a web-based email systemUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.8,145,707UnspecifiedSending digitally signed emails via a web-based email systemUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.8,117,439UnspecifiedIssuing secure certificate using domain zone control validationUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.8,103,761UnspecifiedMethods of issuing a credit for a certificate for a domain nameUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.8,086,848UnspecifiedAutomated process for a web site to receive a secure socket layer certificateUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.7,912,906UnspecifiedGenerating PKI email accounts on a web-based email systemUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.7,707,404UnspecifiedAutomated process for a web site to receive a secure socket layer certificateUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. No.7,702,902UnspecifiedMethod for a web site with a proxy domain name registration to receive a secure socket layer certificateUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 13/406,250UnspecifiedNot PublishedUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 13/342,720UnspecifiedNot PublishedUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 13/331,160 (2012-0089832)UnspecifiedMETHODS OF ISSUING A CREDIT FOR A CERTIFICATE FOR A DOMAIN NAMEUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 13/077,876 (2011-0185172)UnspecifiedGENERATING PKI EMAIL ACCOUNTS ON A WEB-BASED EMAIL SYSTEMUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 13/077,859 (2011-0179275)UnspecifiedTOOLS FOR GENERATING PKI EMAIL ACCOUNTSUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 12/019,216 (2009-0193070)UnspecifiedValidating control of domain zoneUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 11/866,989 (2008-0028443)UnspecifiedDOMAIN NAME RELATED REPUTATION AND SECURE CERTIFICATESUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 11/375,751 (2006-0168161)UnspecifiedMethods of issuing a certificate for a domain nameUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 11/330,772 (2006-0168116)UnspecifiedMethods of issuing a domain name certificateUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 11/306,612 (2006-0200487)UnspecifiedDOMAIN NAME RELATED REPUTATION AND SECURE CERTIFICATESUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 11/184,519 (2007-0022292)UnspecifiedReceiving encrypted emails via a web-based email systemUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 10/931,826 (2006-0047965)UnspecifiedMethods and systems for dynamic updates of digital certificates with hosting providerUnstated
31-July-2012US Pat. App. 10/932,281 (2006-0047950)UnspecifiedMethods and systems for dynamic updates of digital certificates via subscriptionUnstated


Disclosure DateFile ReferenceCABF GuidelineBrief Description of IPWilling to license?
15-June-2012US Pat. No.6,125,185UnspecifiedSystem and method for encryption key generationUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. No.7,831,671UnspecifiedAuthenticating electronic communicationsUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. No.7,890,393UnspecifiedMethod and system for completing a transaction between a customer and a merchantUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. No.7,930,284UnspecifiedMethod and system for preventing fraudulent activitiesUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. No.8,078,683UnspecifiedMethod and apparatus for authenticating electronic communicationUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. No.8,095,445UnspecifiedMethod and system for completing a transaction between a customer and a merchantUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2008/0167,888 11/651,142UnspecifiedMethod And System For Identification Verification Between At Least A Pair Of EntitiesUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2009/0171,836 11/966,841UnspecifiedSystem And Method For Identification Verification Over A Financial NetworkUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2011/0138,176 12/687,037UnspecifiedSystems And Methods For Facilitating User Identity Verification Over A NetworkUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2011/0138,454 12/751,986UnspecifiedSystems And Methods For Facilitating User Authentication Over A NetworkUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2004-0243832 10/492,920UnspecifiedVerification Of A Person Identifier Received OnlineUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2006-0253340 11/471,776UnspecifiedSystem And Method For Electronically Exchanging Value Among Distributed UsersUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2007-0005779 11/172,625UnspecifiedOrigin Aware Cookie Verification Systems And MethodsUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2007-0011104 11/521,997UnspecifiedPayment Transactions Via Substantially Instant Communication SystemUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2008-0148151 11/640,653UnspecifiedCustomized Audio Data For Verifying The Authenticity Of A Service ProviderUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2008-0168543 11/620,286UnspecifiedOne Time Password Authentication Of WebsitesUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2009-0106150 11/962,757UnspecifiedUnified Identity VerificationUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2009-0271625 12/111,338UnspecifiedSystem And Method For Pool-Based Identity Generation And Use For Service AccessUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2009-0288149 12/119,684UnspecifiedSystem And Method For Identity Authentication For Service Access Without Use Of Stored CredentialsUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2009-0288149 12/119,684UnspecifiedSystem And Method For Pool-Based Identity Authentication For Service Access Without Use Of Stored CredentialsUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2010-0145860 12/347,907UnspecifiedUnified Identity VerificationUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2011-0225423 13/039,129UnspecifiedSystems And Methods For Identity Encapsulated CryptographyUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2012-0030096 13/236,304UnspecifiedMethod For Transmitting A CodeUnstated
15-June-2012US Pat. App. 2012-0109823 13/291,146UnspecifiedVerifying The Source Of Electronically Exchanged ValueUnstated
15-June-2012US Unpub 13/029,871UnspecifiedIdentity Assertion FrameworkUnstated
15-June-2012US Unpub 13/272,924UnspecifiedHybrid Cloud Identity Mapping InfrastructureUnstated


Disclosure DateFile ReferenceCABF GuidelineBrief Description of IPWilling to license?
6-June-2012US7114177UnspecifiedWeb site identity assuranceUnstated
6-June-2012US7552466UnspecifiedWeb site identity assuranceUnstated
6-June-2012US7987500UnspecifiedWeb site identity assuranceUnstated
6-June-2012US7003661Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012US7120929Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012US7562212Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012US8028162Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012AU2002335062Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012CA2463504Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012CN02824814.7Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012EP02801062.7 (Application)Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
6-June-2012JP4608212Method #4 in BR certificate issuing method and system and automatic authentication processingUnstated
6-June-201220070005515UnspecifiedSystem and method for providing secure transactionsUnstated
15-Apr-2016HK1076950Method #4 in BR and systems for automated authentication, processing and issuance of digital certificatesUnstated
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Server Certificate Requirements
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Code Signing Requirements
v3.8 - Aug 5, 2024

What’s Changed CSC-25: Import EV Guidelines to CS Baseline Requirements by @dzacharo in Full Changelog:

S/MIME Requirements
v1.0.8 - Ballot SMC010 - Dec 23, 2024

This ballot adopts Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration (MPIC) for CAs when conducting Email Domain Control Validation (DCV) and Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) checks for S/MIME Certificates. The Ballot adopts the MPIC implementation consistent with the TLS Baseline Requirements. Acknowledging that some S/MIME CAs with no TLS operations may require additional time to deploy MPIC, the Ballot has a Compliance Date of May 15, 2025. Following that date the implementation timeline described in TLS BR section applies. This ballot is proposed by Stephen Davidson (DigiCert) and endorsed by Ashish Dhiman (GlobalSign) and Nicolas Lidzborski (Google).

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v2.0 - Ballot NS-003 - Jun 26, 2024

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).