CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

Posts by author Wayne Thayer

    Ballot SC33: TLS Using ALPN Method
    August 14, 2020 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC33 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 22 votes total including abstentions – 22 Yes votes: Buypass, Certigna (DHIMYOTIS), Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, D-TRUST, Disig, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, Kamu SM, Let’s Encrypt, NAVER, SHECA,, TWCA, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave), Visa – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor.
    Ballot SC30v2: Disclosure of Registration / Incorporating Agency
    July 16, 2020 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC30v2 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 17 votes total including abstentions – 17** Yes votes**: Buypass, Certum (Asseco), CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, D-TRUST, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, iTrusChina, OISTE, SHECA,, SwissSign, SecureTrust (former Trustwave) – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor. Voting by Certificate Consumers – 5 votes total including abstentions – 5** Yes votes: Apple, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla – 0 No votes**: – 0 Abstain:
    Ballot SC31: Browser Alignment
    July 16, 2020 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC31v3 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 20 votes total including abstentions – 15 Yes votes: Amazon, Buypass, Certum (Asseco), Sectigo (former Comodo CA), DigiCert, eMudhra, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Kamu SM,, SwissSign, TWCA, TrustCor – 4 No votes: Comsign, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, OATI – 1 Abstain: D-TRUST 79% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor.
    Ballot SC29v3: System Configuration Management
    May 7, 2020 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC29v3 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 21 votes total including abstentions – 21 Yes votes: Amazon, Buypass, Certigna (DHIMYOTIS), Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, DigiCert, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, iTrusChina, Izenpe, Kamu SM, OISTE,, SwissSign, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave) – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor.
    Ballot SC26v2: Pandoc-Friendly Markdown Formatting Changes
    March 30, 2020 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC26v2 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 16 votes total including abstentions – 16 Yes votes: Buypass, Certum (Asseco), D-TRUST, DigiCert, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, Kamu SM,, SwissSign, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave) – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor. Voting by Certificate Consumers – 5 votes total including abstentions – 5 Yes votes: Apple, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain:
    Ballot SC27v3: Version 3 Onion Certificates
    February 20, 2020 by Wayne ThayerBallot Results The voting period for Ballot SC27v3 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 15 votes total including abstentions – 9 Yes votes: Buypass, Camerfirma, Certum (Asseco), GDCA, HARICA, Let’s Encrypt, SHECA,, TrustCor – 0 No votes: – 6 Abstain: Certigna (DHIMYOTIS), Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GlobalSign, SwissSign, TurkTrust 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor. Voting by Certificate Consumers – 4 votes total including abstentions – 4 Yes votes: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain:
    Ballot SC25: Define New HTTP Domain Validation Methods v2
    February 1, 2020 by Wayne ThayerBALLOT RESULTS The voting period for Ballot SC25 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers 24 votes total including abstentions – 24 Yes votes: Actalis, Amazon, Buypass, Camerfirma, Certigna (DHIMYOTIS), Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, D-TRUST, DigiCert, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, Let’s Encrypt, OISTE,, SwissSign, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave), TurkTrust – 0 No votes: – 0 Abstain:
    Ballot SC23 V3 – Precertificates
    November 14, 2019 by Wayne ThayerBallot Results The voting period for Ballot SC23 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Votes were received from Actalis, Trustcor, and Izenpe after the voting period had ended and were not counted. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 15 votes total including abstentions 15 Yes votes: Buypass, CFCA, Chunghwa Telecom, Sectigo (former Comodo CA), D-TRUST, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Let’s Encrypt, SHECA, SecureTrust (former Trustwave)
    Ballot SC21 – the Network and Certificate Systems Security Requirements section 3 (Log Integrity Controls)
    October 4, 2019 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC21 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 24 votes total including abstentions 24 Yes votes: Actalis, Amazon, Buypass, Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, Sectigo (former Comodo CA), D-TRUST, DarkMatter, DigiCert, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, Firmaprofesional, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Izenpe, Kamu SM, Let’s Encrypt,, SwissSign, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave), TurkTrust 0 No votes: 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor.
    Ballot SC19: Phone Contact with DNS CAA Phone Contact v2
    May 21, 2019 by Wayne ThayerThe voting period for Ballot SC19 has ended and the Ballot has Passed. Here are the results: Voting by Certificate Issuers – 20 votes total including abstentions 20 Yes votes: Buypass, Certum (Asseco), Chunghwa Telecom, D-TRUST, DarkMatter, DigiCert, Disig, eMudhra, Entrust Datacard, GDCA, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, HARICA, Kamu SM, SHECA, SwissSign, TrustCor, SecureTrust (former Trustwave), TurkTrust, Visa 0 No votes: 0 Abstain: 100% of voting Certificate Issuers voted in favor. Voting by Certificate Consumers – 5 votes total including abstentions
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).