CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

Posts by author Ben Wilson

    2013-03-07 Minutes
    March 7, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 7 March 2013 Version 2 Present: Rick Andrews, Atsushi Inaba, Dean Coclin, Ryan Koski, Atilla Biler, Jeremy Rowley, Gerv Markham, Brad Hill, Ryan Sleevi, Ben Wilson, Rich Smith, Wayne Thayer, Phill Hallam-Baker, Mads Henriksveen, and Cornelia (Connie) Enke Agenda review: The agenda was reviewed and approved. Approve Minutes of 21 February 2013: The minutes of 21 February 2013 were approved as published. Review of Ballots: Ben stated that Ballots 96, 97 and 98 all passed.
    Ballot 98 – Public Voting
    February 22, 2013 by Ben WilsonBallot 98 – Public Voting (Passed) Motion Gervase Markham made the following motion, and Jeremy Rowley and Kirk Hall endorsed it: Motion begins The CAB Forum wishes to require that the votes of Members on CAB Forum ballots be public information. For avoidance of doubt, a consequence of this change is that the voting information for ballots will be public. Therefore, effective immediately, the CAB Forum Bylaws[0] are updated as follows:
    Ballot 97 – Prevention of Unknown Certificate Contents
    February 21, 2013 by Ben WilsonBallot 97 – Prevention of Unknown Certificate Contents (Passed) Motion Jeremy Rowley made the following motion, and Ryan Hurst and Robin Alden endorsed it: Motion begins Erratum begins A. In Section 10.2.3, after the first paragraph, insert: “The CA SHALL establish and follow a documented procedure for verifying all data requested for inclusion in the Certificate by the Applicant.” B. In Appendix B, add paragraph numbers to the headings: “(1) Root CA Certificate”, “(2) Subordinate CA Certificate”, and “(3) Subscriber Certificate”.
    2013-02-21 Minutes
    February 21, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 21 February 2013 Version 1 Present: Phill Hallam-Baker, Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Ryan Koski, Eddy Nigg, Gerv Markham, Wayne Thayer, Sara Morris, Dean Coclin, Paul Lambert, Atilla Biler, Rich Smith, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Mert Ozarar, Jeremy Rowley, Stephen Davidson, Tom Albertson, Agenda Review The agenda was reviewed and Item 6 (Wi-Fi Alliance) was moved forward to Agenda Item 4. Approval of the Minutes of 24 January 2013.
    Ballot 96 – Wildcard Certificates and New gTLDs
    February 20, 2013 by Ben WilsonBallot 96 – Wildcard Certificates and New gTLDs (Passed) Motion Jeremy Rowley made the following motion, and Rick Andrews and Steve Roylance endorsed it: Motion Begins Erratum Begins Add the following as new Section 11.1.3: 11.1 Authorization by Domain Name Registrant 11.1.3 Wildcard Domain Validation Before issuing a certificate with a wildcard character (*) in a CN or subjectAltName of type DNS-ID, the CA MUST establish and follow a documented procedure† that determines if the wildcard character occurs in the first label position to the left of a “registry-controlled” label or “public suffix” (e.
    Guidance on the Deprecation of Internal Server Names and Reserved IP Addresses
    February 4, 2013 by Ben Wilson
    This document explains the changes to Certification Authority support for internal server names and reserved IP dddresses and the reasons behind the new rules that were introduced in the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly Trusted Certificates, Version 1.0 that took effect effect on July 1, 2012: Guidance on the Deprecation of Internal Server Names and Reserved IP Addresses
    2013-01-24 Minutes
    January 24, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 24 January 2013 Version 1 Present: Ben Wilson, Atsushi Inaba, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Eddy Nigg, Rich Smith, Ryan Koski, Ryan Sleevi, Gerv Markham, Simon Labram, Kirk Hall, Jeremy Rowley, Wayne Thayer, Rick Andrews, Brad Hill, Stephen Davidson, Robin Alden, Mert Ozarar, Phill Hallam-Baker Agenda Review: the agenda was reviewed. Approve Minutes of 10 January 2013: The minutes of 10 January 2013 were approved subject to factual corrections made by Turktrust.
    2013-01-10 Minutes
    January 10, 2013 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 10 January 2013 Present: Maarten Van Horenbeeck, Stephen McHenry, Atsushi Inaba, Ryan Koski, Gerv Markham, Brad Hill, Dean Coclin, Rick Andrews, Robin Alden, Mert Ozarar, Atilla Biler, Cagdas Funda, Jeremy Rowley, Eddy Nigg, Sissel Hoel, Ryan Sleevi, Steve Roylance, and Kirk Hall. Agenda Review: the agenda was reviewed and Ben mentioned that Phill Hallam-Baker had contacted him previously to make sure that CAA was discussed, and he thought it could occur later after the discussion of Turktrust.
    2012-12-06 Minutes
    December 6, 2012 by Ben WilsonNotes of meeting CAB Forum 6 December 2012 Version 1 Present: Rick Andrews, Ben Wilson, Kirk Hall, Yngve Pettersen, Atsushi Inaba, Eddy Nigg, Jeremy Rowley, Dean Coclin, Mads Henriksveen, Sissel Hoel, Wayne Thayer, Ryan Koski, Ryan Sleevi, Geoff Keating, Gerv Markham, Rich Smith, and Håvard Molland. Agenda Review: the agenda was reviewed. Approve Minutes of 19 Nov 2012: The minutes of 19 November 2012 were approved as published. Report on ETSI CA Day: Among those in attendance were Yngve, Ben, Robin, Mads, Sissel, Iñigo, Dean, Tom, Arno, Nick Pope, Steve R.
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).