CA/Browser Forum

CA/Browser Forum posts

Posts by author Ben Wilson

    Ballot 123 – Reuse of Information (passed)
    October 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 123 – Reuse of Information closed on 16 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from Actalis, ANF, Buypass, Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Google, Izenpe, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, QuoVadis, SSC, Symantec, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. Opera abstained. Therefore, Ballot 123 passed. This is the ballot from the EV working group that attempts to clarify the language in 11.
    Ballot 118 – SHA-1 Sunset (passed)
    October 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 118 – SHA-1 Sunset closed on 16 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from Actalis, ANF, Buypass, Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Google, Izenpe, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, QuoVadis, SSC, StartCom, Symantec, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. SECOM Trust Systems voted no. There were no abstentions. Therefore, Ballot 118 passed. Kelvin Yiu of Microsoft made the following motion, and Kirk Hall from Trend Micro and Ryan Sleevi from Google have endorsed it.
    2014-10-16 Minutes
    October 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonMinutes of CA/Browser Forum, 16 October 2014 Antitrust Statement was read. Roll Call: Aaron Kornblum, Atilla Biler, Ben Wilson, Dean Coclin, Atsushi Inaba, Phillip Hallam Baker, Doug Beattie, Eddy Nigg, Mads Henriksveen, Jeremy Rowley, Kelvin Yiu, Erwann Abalea, Robin Alden, Wayne Thayer, Tim Shirley, Gerv Markham, Patrick Tronnier and Tim Hollebeek Agenda reviewed. Minutes of 2 October 2014 were approved. Ballot Review. Ballot 136 – Dean Coclin of Symantec has been elected incoming Chair of the CA/B Forum.
    Ballot 136 – Chair Election
    October 15, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 136 – Chair Election Voting on Ballot 136 – Chair Election closed on 15 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from ANF, Buypass, Certinomis, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Google, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, SSC, StartCom, Trend Micro, TURKTRUST, TWCA, and WoSign. Actalis, Izenpe and Symantec abstained. Therefore, Ballot 136 passed. Ben Wilson made the following motion, Rob Horne of Trustis, and Tim Hollebeek of TrustWave have endorsed it:
    Ballot 125 – CAA Records (passed)
    October 14, 2014 by Ben WilsonBallot 125 – CAA Records Voting on Ballot 125 – CAA Records closed on 14 October 2014. The Chair received “yes” votes from Actalis, ANF, Buypass, Chunghwa Telecom, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Google, Logius PKIoverheid, Microsoft, Mozilla, Opentrust, Opera, SECOM Trust Systems, SSC, Symantec, Trend Micro, Trustis, TWCA, and WoSign. Certinomis, Izenpe, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi, TURKTRUST, and StartCom abstained. Therefore, Ballot 125 passed. Rick Andrews of Symantec made the following motion and Jeremy Rowley of Digicert and Ryan Sleevi of Google have endorsed it:
    2014-10-02 Minutes
    October 2, 2014 by Ben WilsonMinutes of CA/Browser Forum, 2 October 2014 1. Antitrust Statement was read. 2. Roll Call: Atilla Biler, Ben Wilson, Doug Beattie, Rich Smith, Mads Henriksveen, Jeremy Rowley, Rick Andrews, Joanna Fox, Dean Coclin, Kirk Hall, Annabel Lewis, Atsushi Inaba, Bruce Morton, Kelvin Yiu, Anup Chauhan, Tim Hollebeek, Dave Barnet, Ryan Sleevi, Robin Alden, Stephen Davidson, Tim Shirley, and Gerv Markham 3. Agenda reviewed. 4. Minutes of 4 Sept 2014 approved as corrected.
    Minutes of the F2F 33 Meeting in Beijing, China, 16-18 September 2014
    September 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonMeeting 33 – Beijing ChinaThe antitrust statement was read. Present: Annabel Lewis, Arno Fiedler, Atilla Biler, Atsushi Inaba, Ben Wilson, Blues Lin, Bruce Morton, Cecilia Kam, Chris Bailey, Cui Jiu Qiang, David Chen, Dean Coclin, Don Sheehy, Doug Beattie, Gervase Markham, Haochun Li, Iñigo Barreira, Jeremy Rowley, John Johansen, Kirk Hall, Li-Chun Chen, Moudrick Dadashov, Patricia Forsyth, Richard Wang, Rick Andrews, Ryan Sleevi (by telephone), Tom Albertson, Wayne Thayer, Hanrui Gao (Day 2)
    Ballot 132 – EV Code Signing Timestamp Validity Period (passed)
    September 16, 2014 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 132 (amending the EV Code Signing Timestamp Validity Period) closed 16 September 2014. Voting in favor were: Actalis, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, OpenTrust, Symantec, Trend Micro, WoSign, ANF, Certum, Mozilla and Microsoft. There were no votes against and no abstentions. Therefore, Ballot 132 passed. Ballot 132 – EV Code Signing Timestamp Validity Period Rationale for Ballot 132 Ideally, TSA services should be consistent across the multiple services that rely on them (Code Signing, EV Code Signing, AATLs, etc.
    Ballot 131 – Update to Verified Method of Communication (passed)
    September 12, 2014 by Ben WilsonVoting on Ballot 131 (Update to Verified Method of Communication) closed last Friday. Voting in favor were: Actalis, Buypass, Comodo, DigiCert, Disig, Entrust, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, OpenTrust, QuoVadis, SECOM Trust, SSC, StartCom, Symantec, Trend Micro, Trustwave, Trustis, TURKTRUST, WoSign and Mozilla. There were no votes against and no abstentions. Therefore, Ballot 131 passed. Ballot 131 – Update to Verified Method of Communication The EV Guidelines Working Group has revisited Section 11.4 of the EV Guidelines (Applicant’s Physical Existence) and has decided that it is best to split it into two separate sections.
    2014-09-04 Minutes
    September 4, 2014 by Ben WilsonMinutes of CA/B Forum Teleconference – 4 Sept. 2014 1. Antitrust Statement: Read. 2. Roll Call: Ben Wilson, Robin Alden, Eddy Nigg, Kelvin Yiu, Doug Beattie, Bruce Morton, Atilla Biler, Geoff Keating, Mads Henriksveen, Gerv Markham, Kirk Hall, Tim Shirley, Dean Coclin, Annabel Lewis, Jeremy Rowley, Richard Wang, Ryan Sleevi, Dave Barnet, Patrick Tronnier, Atsushi Inaba, Aaron Kornblum, Chris Casciano, Tim Hollebeek, Tom Albertson, Steve Roylance 3. Agenda was read. Eddy suggested that SHA 1 be discussed under “any other business.
    The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).