Information for Interested Parties
The role of the Interested Party in CA/B Forum activities is described in Section 3.2 of the Bylaws. An Interested Party may post to a Forum Working Group’s public mailing list and participate in teleconferences to which they are invited by the Working Group Chair related to their area of expertise or to the subject of their working group participation.
Individual persons and entities (e.g. companies) may become Interested Parties.
In order to participate as an Interested Party in the Forum / Working Group, you need to:
Review the Intellectual Property Rights policy and complete the IPR agreement found there. If applying as an entity, the IPR Policy Agreement MUST be signed by a representative that is authorized to bind the entity to the agreement.
Send an email to with your name, organization (if applicable), contact details and the signed IPR agreement with the subject: Participation as an Interested Party in the [Working Group Name] Working Group.
Current Interested Parties at the Forum level
- AGMS Information Technology Solutions
- Andrea Fossati
- Andrew Ayer
- Arno Fiedler
- Certizen Limited
- Cloudflare
- Deloitte LLP
- EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
- Envers
- India PKI Forum
- Insta Advance OY
- Intel
- KPMG Korea
- K Software LLC
- Leader Telecom BV
- Maria Merkel (Private Person)
- Nathalie Weiler (Private Person)
- Peercraft
- Ryan Hurst (Private Person)
- Schellman and Company LLC
- TeleTrust
- TurkTrust
- Wojciech Jakubowski (Private Person)
- Zane Ma (Private Person)