2025-01-09 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
Brianca Martin - (Amazon), Brian Winters - (IdenTrust), Bruce Morton - (Entrust), Corey Bonnell - (DigiCert), Dean Coclin - (DigiCert), Inaba Atsushi - (GlobalSign), Iñigo Barreira - (Sectigo), Kateryna Aleksieieva - (Asseco Data Systems SA (Certum)), Luis Cervantes - (SSL.com), Marco Schambach - (IdenTrust), Martijn Katerbarg - (Sectigo), Nome Huang - (TrustAsia), Rebecca Kelly - (SSL.com), Roberto Quionones - (Intel), Scott Rea - (eMudhra), Thomas Zermeno - (SSL.com), Tim Crawford - (CPA Canada/WebTrust), Trevoli Ponds-White - (Amazon)
Note Well
Martijn read the Note Well,
Approval of prior meeting minutes
The December 12, 2024 minutes were approved.
Max validity of CS certs
Ian was not on the call. Martijn will reach out to Ian.
Dean advise that there have been some questions on the ballot. A concern is that some Subscribers are using tokens and shorter validity periods may be an issue. An alternative would be for Subscribers to use a signing service.
During the meeting, Ian sent an email. Ian will have a proposal before 1 February 2025. Nate will transition in February.
Aligning CSCWG BRs with recent SCWG ballots
A proposal has been created in Github incorporating 5 Server Working Group ballots. Am now looking for two endorsers. Martijn stated he would endorse.
Bruce stated that the effectivity date stated is 15 June 2025, this can change if this is an issue. Regarding pre-sign linting, this was included as a SHOULD, since there are no linters which cover the CSBRs.
Other business
Bruce suggested that we should consider a clean-up ballot. This would make a correction from another ballot, plus remove some past effective dates. This would be a new ballot.
Martijn stated we will need to start working on one certificate type this year.
Next Meeting
January 23, 2025