2023-10-19 Minutes of the Code Signing Certificate Working Group
- Aaron Poulsen – Amazon Trust Services
- Andrea Holland – VikingCloud
- Atsushi INABA – GlobalSign
- Bruce Morton – Entrust
- Corey Bonnell
- Dean Coclin-DigiCert
- Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA)
- Ian McMillan – Microsoft
- Janet Hines – VikingCloud
- Richard Kisley – IBM
- Mohit Kumar – GlobalSign
- Rollin Yu – TrustAsia
- Scott Rea – eMudhra
- Tim Crawford – BDO/WebTrust
Assign Minute taker (start recording)
Ian McMillan
Roll call
Completed by Dean
Antitrust Compliance Statement
Completed by Dean
Review Agenda
No comments on the agenda
Approval of prior meeting minutes – F2F 5 Oct, Need minutes!
Minutes received from Mohit
Need to get other half of the minutes from Tim Callan (Dean to follow up)
Ballot CSC-20 Restore Version Reference to EV Guidelines
Voting completed and it has passed with quorum
Ballot CSC-21 Signing Service
In discussion period
Comments on the definition of Signing Service
This definition must not apply to a subscriber and that includes when the CA is a subscriber itself.
Current definition seems to not be clear for CAs that leverage a Signing Service they provide and how the Subscriber Agreement would apply or not in this case.
Microsoft has a case where the Signing Service does a Subscriber Agreement with the CA service team with a separation of duties between the teams, so there is precedence for this behavior.
Signing Service does not include a subscriber’s managed signing service.
New proposed definition: An organization that generates the key pair and securely manages the private key associated with the code signing certificate on behalf of the subscriber.
Audit Requirements and Audit Dates
We should consider an effective date to allow for Signing Services to comply with the requirements
There should a ramp up period or include it in the next audit period so not to include it current audit periods.
We need to give CAs runway to get this into their audit plans
We should provide an effective date of 6 months from the projected ballot completion timeframe (e.g. June 1, 2024) for the audits starting after that effective date.
Section 8.4 currently requires a Signing Service to comply with the audit requirements for a CA or a Delegated 3rd Party
Is it possible that CSBRs say Signing Services must comply with the requirements including audits for the NetSec BRs, but they are not?
How does a CA know there is a Signing Service or not?
Resellers come into the picture here
Previously we questioned if Signing Services should have these audit requirements and we talked ourselves into it.
We can lean on the Subscriber Agreement and Subscriber Warranties to push the audit requirements onto 3rd party Signing Services and Resellers
How are these enforced?
3 scenarios here…
CA that provides a Signing Service to Subscribers
Assumption is these are already being audited
CA that partners with a 3rd Party Signing Service to the CA subscribers
Subscriber uses a unaffiliated 3rd Party Signing Service to use a CA issued code signing certificate (CA may or may not be aware there is a signing service in the loop unless the Subscriber notifies the CA)
More or less a private key protection service
This is not easy here to tell when 3rd party Signing Service is involved
First focus on Signing Services that CAs know about, but this will not be equivalent
CAs with a Signing Service has the hardest compliance challenge, but a unaffiliated 3rd party Signing Service (Reseller) would not have the same requirements
We should consider dropping these audit requirements on the Signing Services and focus on the subscriber private key protection requirements
The one point we are considering is the Signing Service risk with a multi-tenant service, this is the same as Resellers.
Can we look at prohibiting Resellers from having an unaudited Signing Service?
We made a lot of progress here so we should consider moving forward as-is
Consider using the S/MIME BR language for effective date, Bruce/Corey to review that language
Proposed Ballot High Risk
No updates until CSC-21 is completed
Proposed ballot Remove EV Guideline References
Will pick this up once we have all the notes from the F2F discussion
Proposed ballot CSCWG Charter Update
Need Martijn to update here
Other business
Next meeting – 2 November