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2022-08-02 Minutes of the Network Security Working Group

CA/Browser Forum NetSec Meeting


  • Aaron Poulsen – Amazon
  • Amanda Mendieta – Apple
  • Chris Kemmerer –{.}
  • Clint Wilson – Apple
  • Corey Bonnell – Digicert
  • Corey Rasmussen – OATI
  • David Kluge – Google
  • Dustin Hollenback – Microsoft
  • Inigo Barreira – Sectigo
  • Jozef Nigut – Disig
  • Kiran Tummala – Microsoft
  • Michelle Coon – OATI
  • Pedro Fuentes – OISTE Foundation
  • Prachi Jain – Fastly
  • Rebecca Kelley – Apple
  • Tony Seymour – Comsign


  1. Read Antitrust Statement
  • Clint Wilson Read the antitrust statement
  1. Roll Call
  • Clint Wilson took attendance
  1. Review Agenda
  • Approved minutes from previous meeting

No discussion topics were raised.

David Kluge provided an update on the ongoing Threat Assessment work.

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).