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2022-05-10 Minutes of the Network Security Working Group

CA/Browser Forum NetSec Meeting

  • Attendance:
  • Adam Jones – Microsoft
  • Aaron P – Amazon
  • Ben Wilson – Mozilla
  • Bruce Morton – entrust
  • Brittany Randall – GoDaddy
  • Christopher Bonjean – GlobalSign
  • Corey Bonnell – DigiCert
  • Corey Rasmussen – OATI
  • Daryn Wright – GoDaddy
  • David Kluge – Google Trust Services
  • Dustin Hollenback – Microsoft
  • Iñigo Barreira – Sectigo
  • Jillian Karner – Let’s Encrypt
  • Joanna Fox – TrustCor
  • Jozef Nigut – Disig
  • Kiran Tummala – Microsoft
  • Marcelo Silva – Visa
  • Paul van Brouwershaven – Entrust
  • Rebecca Kelley – Apple
  • Roman Fischer – SwissSign
  • Ruben Annemans – GlobalSign
  • Tim Crawford – BDO
  • Tobias Josefowitz – Opera
  • Tony Seymour – Comsign
  • Trevoli Ponds – Amazon Trust Services


1. Read Antitrust Statement

a. David Kluge Read the antitrust statement 2. Roll Call

a.David Kluge took attendance 3. Review Agenda

a. Approved minutes from previous meeting

b. Cloud Services Risk Assessment Effort

c. Zones Ballot/ Air Gap Offline (Ben Wilson)

4. Cloud Services Sub-Group Risk Assessment effort

a**. **Define risk scenarios of threat, and consider other scenarios that are not too far fetched, but proven to be productive. Will work through scenarios offline and then review them in the next meeting. Amazon has offered a guest to assist in the methodology and work through some of the examples that are given.

5. Ballots (Ben Wilson)

a. Previous work on two ballots. 1) Zone Ballot, 2) Offline or Gap Ballot that need more definitions to help clarify certain topics.


c. Definitions and language was last updated awhile ago, and should there be a separate meeting, like a structure group, to update and bring ballots up to date.

d. Many participants were interested in assisting in this endeavor in a separate meeting. Ben offered to send out invites for those that asked to join.

e. Due to the meeting being brief, it was unanimous that the ballot definitions and language would be updated during this time, and complete the remainder at another time.

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