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2022-03-15 Minutes of the Network Security Working Group

Attendance: Adam Jones – Microsoft Ben Wilson – Mozilla Brittany Randall – Go Daddy Bruce Morton – Entrust Christophe Bonjean – GlobalSign Clint Wilson – Apple Corey Bonnell – DigiCert Corey Rasmussen – OATI Daryn Wright – Go Daddy David Kluge – Google Trust Services Don Sheehy – WebTrust Dustin Hollenback – Microsoft Jeff Ward – CPA Canada/WebTrust Jillian Karner – Let’s Encrypt Joanna Fox – TrustCor Jozef Nigut – Disig Kiran Tummala – Microsoft Marcelo Silva – Visa Pedro Fuentes – OISTE Prachi Jain – Fastly Rebecca Kelley – Apple Ruben Annemans – GlobalSign Shwetagaur – Go Daddy Trevoli Ponds-White – Amazon Trust Services


  1. Read Antitrust Statement a. Clint Wilson read the antitrust statement
  2. Roll Call a. Clint Wilson verified new names were members
  3. Review Agenda a. Opening this time for discussion around Ballots from last meeting
  4. Ballot Status a. In Review i. Prachi Jain (Fastly) revisited her proposed BR change to replace PKI system with Certificate Management System in 5.4.1 ii. Updates and discussion around Ben Wilsons proposed changes. Ben will review previous notes and share next meeting.
  5. Any other business a. Corey Bonnell mentioned there is a need for reviewers for BR proposals. b. David Kluge shared an update from the Cloud Services group risk assessment that they are currently working on. Cloud Services is looking for a new timeslot, to help members with a better time to meet.
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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).