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Results of Review Period for Ballot SC3

The IPR Agreement Review Period for Ballot SC3 – Two-Factor Authentication and Password Improvements- has ended, and no Exclusion Notices were filed. Ballot SC3 became effective as of September 15, 2018.

The Network and Certificate System Security Requirements Version 1.2 including the Ballot SC3 changes is attached, and will be uploaded to the public website and the wiki.

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v1.0.5 - Ballot SMC07 - Jul 15, 2024

Ballot SMC07: Align Logging Requirement and Key Escrow clarification

Network and Certificate System Security Requirements
v2.0 - Ballot NS-003 - Jun 26, 2024

Ballot NS-003: Restructure the NCSSRs in

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).