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2018-08-23 Minutes of CA/B Forum Teleconference

  1. Roll Call

Attendees: Atsushi Inaba (GlobalSign), Ben Wilson (DigiCert), Bruce Morton (Entrust Datacard), Chris Kemmerer (, Corey Bonnell (Trustwave), Daymion Reynolds (GoDaddy), Dean Coclin (DigiCert), Devon O’Brien (Google), Dimitris Zacharopoulos (HARICA), Doug Beattie (GlobalSign), Frank Corday (Trustwave), Geoff Keating (Apple), India Donald (FPKI), Jeff Ward (BDO/WebTrust), Joanna Fox (GoDaddy), Jos Purvis (Cisco), Ken Myers (FPKI), Li-Chun Chen (Chunghwa Telecom), Mads Henriksveen (BuyPass), Michelle Coon (OATI), Mike Reilly (Microsoft), Neil Dunbar (Trustcor), Patrick Tronnier (OATI), Peter Miškovič (Disig), Rich Smith (ComodoCA), Ryan Sleevi (Google), Shelley Brewer (DigiCert), Tim Shirley (Trustwave), Tomasz Nowak (Opera), Trevoli Ponds-White (Amazon), and Wayne Thayer (Mozilla).

  1. Antitrust Statement read by Ryan

  2. Review Agenda. Agenda was approved.

  3. Approval of Minutes of teleconference of August 9, 2018. The Minutes were approved and will be posted to the Public list.

  4. Members and Associate Members reminded to list all representatives (names and email addresses) on wiki or access and email posting privileges will be removed. Dimitris noted that 21 members have not declared their representatives.

  5. Nomination Period for CABF Chair has closed. Discussion period runs through Aug. 30. Voting runs Aug. 30 to Sept. 6.

  6. Nomination Period for CABF Vice Chair has opened and runs through Sept. 6. Nominees can be listed at

  7. Admission of Sony. Discussion postponed until full application packet has been received.

  8. Governance Change WG. A ballot will be introduced to extend term of Chair and Vice Chair to November 1.

  9. Ballot Discussion. Voting period for ballot FORUM-1 to establish Infrastructure WG is underway. There have been problems with the listserv. Members are advised to check the archives at to confirm that vote has been received.

  10. Any Other Business. None.

  11. Next call: September 6, 2018 at 11:00 Eastern Time

  12. Adjourn

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).