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Special Commendation to Gervase Markham

Special Commendation – Gervase Markham

From: Kirk Hall, CA/Browser Forum Chair

Date: March 22, 2018

I’m pleased to announce the following Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation that was unanimously approved by CA/Browser Forum members today honoring Gerv Markham, who has stepped down as Mozilla’s representative to the Forum. See also attached Certificate.

It’s been a great privilege for all of us to work with Gerv over the years, and he’s made a tremendous contribution to the security of users on the internet.

Thanks, Gerv!


The CA / Browser Forum and its Members

gratefully extend to

Gervase Markham

Their heartfelt commendation and appreciation

  • For his extraordinary leadership and skill as a founding member of the Forum in 2005 and as a Mozilla representative and a leading Forum participant from 2005–2018, and
  • For his superb work in promoting higher standards for Certification Authorities, and
  • For his ceaseless efforts to improve security for users on the internet, and
  • For sharing his deep knowledge of TLS and PKI with his fellow Forum members, and
  • For his constant innovation and improvement to the Mozilla processes applicable to CAs around the world, and
  • For his skills during Forum meetings and teleconferences so that all could participate on an equal basis and members’ time was well spent, and
  • For his ability to bridge differences of opinion among members to reach solutions that could be supported by all, and
  • For his tact and diplomacy in helping Certification Authorities and Browsers meet their mutual goals, and
  • For his patience, wit, sincerity, honesty, pleasant demeanor, and everlasting good cheer, and
  • For his superior guidance, advice, and management style.

For these and many other accomplishments we hereby affirm our deep appreciation, commendation, and congratulations to Gerv, and sincerely extend our best wishes to him and his family.

Dated this 22nd day of March, 2018.

Adopted Unanimously by the Members of the CA / Browser Forum

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).