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Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group

Voting on Ballot 165, Formation of Governance Review Working Group, has now ended. The results are as follows:

From the CAs, we received 19 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions

From the Browsers, we received 4 YES votes, Zero NO votes and Zero Abstentions

Therefore the ballot passes.

Ballot 165 – Formation of Governance Review Working Group

The following motion has been proposed by Dean Coclin of Symantec and endorsed by Robin Alden of Comodo and Kirk Hall of Trend Micro:

  • MOTION BEGINS In accordance with Section 5.3 of the CA/B Forum Bylaws, the chartering of a new working group by ballot is required. This Ballot proposes chartering of the Governance Review Working Group. The Working Group’s charter will be as follows:
  1. Consider revisions to the scope of the Forum to include possible additional topics such as code signing, SMIME and client certificate usages

  2. Review the scope of the IPR and IP ownership issues

  3. Consider options for representation of others in forum issues

  4. Review voting rules and rights

  5. Review admin functions

  6. Examine making the forum an “official” organization (e.g. Incorporation)

  7. Review how requirements and guideline documents would be structured in a newly organized forum would be done

The group’s deliverables will be:

  1. An extensive report with one or more proposals on possible changes to the Forum organization (“proposed structure”)

  2. A proposal on requirements and guideline document structure and proprietorship

  3. A form of ballot or ballots to implement any recommendations

The Working Group shall expire once the deliverables have been completed.

Motion ends

The review period for this ballot shall commence at 2200 UTC on 17 March 2016, and will close at 2200 UTC on 24 March 2016. Unless the motion is withdrawn during the review period, the voting period will start immediately thereafter and will close at 2200 UTC on 31 March 2016. Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread.

A vote in favor of the motion must indicate a clear ‘yes’ in the response. A vote against must indicate a clear ‘no’ in the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear ‘abstain’ in the response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote received from any representative of a voting member before the close of the voting period will be counted. Voting members are listed here: /about/membership/members/

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The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).