Announcing the formation of the Code Signing Working Group – Call for Participants
The CA/Browser Forum has chartered a Code Signing Working Group, the purpose of which is to come up with Baseline Requirements to reduce the incidences of signed malware. The CA/Browser Forum would like to invite interested third parties to participate. The working group meets bi-weekly by phone and had its first face to face meeting in Munich on June 13th coinciding with the regular CA/Browser Forum meeting.
Interested parties will need to:
- Review the Intellectual Property Rights policy (/IPR_Policy_V1.pdf) and complete the IPR agreement which can be found here: /IPR_Agreement_V1.pdf
- Send an email to with your name, organization (if applicable), contact details and the signed agreement with the subject: Code Signing Working Group Participation
Once the Chair determines all is in order, you will be added to the mailing list and invited to the conference calls.
As the title of this group states, this is a Working Group, meaning everyone is expected to contribute in some fashion. Please do not apply if you can’t devote time to attend and participate in the discussion.