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Ballot 48 – Telephone Number at Place of Business

Ballot 48 – Telephone Number at Place of Business (Passed Unanimously)


Ben Wilson made the following motion, and Rich Smith and Jay Schiavo endorsed it:

Motion begins


Erratum begins

In Section 10.4.2 (Telephone Number for Applicant’s Place of Business) DELETE: (1) Verification Requirements: To further verify the Applicant’s physical existence and business presence, as well as to assist in confirming other verification requirements, the CA MUST verify that the telephone number provided by the Applicant is a main phone number for the Applicant’s Place of Business.

(2) Acceptable Methods of Verification: To verify the Applicant’s telephone number, the CA MUST perform items A and either B or C as listed below:

(A) Confirm the Applicant’s telephone number by calling it and obtaining an affirmative response sufficient to enable a reasonable person to conclude that the Applicant is reachable by telephone at the number dialed; (B) Confirm that the telephone number provided by the Applicant is listed as the Applicant’s or Parent/Subsidiary Company’s telephone number for the verified address of its Place of Business in records provided by the applicable phone company, or, alternatively, in either at least one QIIS or QGIS, or QTIS; (C) Rely on a Verified Legal Opinion or a Verified Accountant Letter to the effect that the Applicant’s telephone number, as provided, is a main phone number for the Applicant’s Place of Business.

And in Section 10.4.2 INSERT: 10.4.2 Telephone Number for Applicant’s Place of Business

(1) Verification Requirements: To further verify the Applicant’s physical existence and business presence, as well as to assist in confirming other verification requirements, the CA MUST verify a main telephone number for one of the Applicant’s Places of Business.

(2) Acceptable Methods of Verification: To verify the Applicant’s telephone number, the CA MUST perform items A and either B or C as listed below:

(A) Confirm the Applicant’s telephone number by calling it and obtaining an affirmative response sufficient to enable a reasonable person to conclude that the Applicant is reachable by telephone at the number dialed; (B) Confirm that the telephone number is listed as one of Applicant’s or Parent/Subsidiary Company or Principal Individual’s (for business entities) telephone numbers, matching an address of one of the Applicant’s Places of Business in records provided by the applicable phone company, or, alternatively, in at least one QIIS, QGIS, or QTIS; (C) Rely on a Verified Legal Opinion or a Verified Accountant Letter to the effect that the Applicant’s telephone number, as provided, is a main phone number for the Applicant’s Place of Business.

Erratum ends

The ballot review period comes into effect at 2100 UTC on 22 July ’10 and will close at 2100 UTC on 29 July ’10. Unless the motion is withdrawn during the review period, the voting period will start immediately thereafter and will close at 2100 UTC on 5 Aug ’10.

Votes must be cast by “reply all’ to this email.

A vote in favour of the motion must indicate a clear ‘yes’ in the response. A vote against must indicate a clear ‘no’ in the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear ‘abstain’ in the response. Unclear responses will not be counted.

The latest vote received from any representative of a voting member before the close of the voting period will be counted.

Motion ends

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